The multilingual singer Rei Kano who sings Love and Dream

Rei Kano who works as a singer with the themes, [maintaining the dream] and [embracing love]. This article gets to the core of her lifestyle, and the reason why she keeps singing to be a professional.


• Charmed by music as a common-language and Nippon Budokan
• The days of self-improvement until the establishment of [Rei Kano]
• Because it’s once life, wanting to be honest to the dream
• Japanese version

Charmed by music as a common-language and Nippon Budokan

nf8be2d118c3a_picture_pc_46abe50bed6476008c852f09b0117a61 The multilingual singer Rei Kano who sings Love and Dream

Rei Kano who works as a multilingual singer with controlling English, German, Korean. During her childhood, her parents transferred many times because of their jobs. Her roots were there. “My home was in Tokyo, but I moved out to foreign countries every 2-3years. I couldn’t meet my close friends, and the time difference interfered to have a call with my friends. I didn’t constantly get the reply with emails and letters. I was quite lonesome.” Language was a huge obstacle for her to make new friends in a new international school. “Why do I have to go, even I don’t want to go?” She opposed saying that to parents some times. The music healed her loneliness. Listening to Japanese songs at the overseas places made her moving forward. When she was struggling to find how to have communications with foreign people, she noticed that music can be the common language. “What kinds of musicians in Japan?” “What kinds of music trending in Japan?” They were interested in those topics. I introduced my favorites and they reacted “That’s cool!”

Kano also willingly and actively got involved in foreign music by herself. She found lots of connections by joining choirs and acappella bands in Germany, Korea, Malaysia. In those lifestyles, one thought sprouted and came out in her mind; “If I can stand on a bright stage as a singer, people might remember me through the music.” The critical reason why she aimed professional was when she settled down in Tokyo, and she went to Nippon Budokan for the life of w-inds. “Until that, I’ve only gone big event place at Tokyo International Forum. Also, because I was sitting at the backside of the 1st-floor seat, I couldn’t feel the presence. It was sad that I wasn’t able to realize the melody and see the artist.” Kano talked with warmth. “Nippon Budokan was completely different. It is huge, but even you sit 1st through 3rd seats, you can feel and touch the atmosphere and music from all kinds of artists. For artists, also feel amazing what if their songs can fill whole seats and play your songs here.” Her heart was influenced by the music sacred place which has an ancient and honorable origin. “I also want to sing at Nippon Budokan.” Kano moved forward by holding clear targets by using SNS. The music activity got in full-scale.

The days of self-improvement until the establishment of [Rei Kano]

At the starting point, she publicly identified herself as a “Ray”. She conducted her lives every 2-3 months with going voice training. “I narrowed down the frequency of my lives because I wasn’t confident to gather audiences. I didn’t feel any negative minds though.” How I can gather more audiences. In one attempt, she wrote a blog every day, but the amount of audience didn’t change much compared to her mentality costs. When I was struggling, I coincidently found Kawasaki Ginza street bus-car live. “Bus-car” means the street performer. This event is hosted by the shopping street, and the performer can perform at the east gate of Kawasaki station, inside of shopping street arcade. At the event, there are so many artists who attend live-house and other events every week. “How do they gather audiences?” She couldn’t find the answer, but she felt that she has to reach that level. “There is no reason for playing music if there are no audiences and place.”

Kano made a research about how to make a song, how to sing, and how to charm again and again. She additionally changed her artist name. At first, in August 2014, she changed her name to “レイ” as a Katakana for making people reading easier when she sold 1st album, “Daydreamer.” However, there are a lot of characters called “レイ”, so her name didn’t show up on internet search easily. In new year’s day of 2016, she put “鹿野” to her name for making individuality. 鹿 means deer. The reason why she put “鹿野” to her name was she loves deer. She designed “カノシカ” as a mascot by herself. The name change had a huge impact. “The new audiences who came by finding me on the internet increased. For example, the audience who originally tried to watch the battle of the bands said: “I missed the appointed day, but I could see the next one on the internet, so I came to your life today.”

nf8be2d118c3a_picture_pc_5b737a8a30daa1d0cf8346d5d6a13022 The multilingual singer Rei Kano who sings Love and Dream

She steadily improved her artistry. In January 2017, she released the 2nd album, “愛のかたち”. The release-party which was held at Shibuya gee-ge was FULL. In February, she also showed herself at the carnival called “Japan now-Carnaval Budaya Surabaya- Surabaya cultural carnival.” This caused to new chances for her in the summer of 2017. She got right to join regularly to the Kawasaki Ginza street bus-car live because of the introduction from her musician friends. Kano said this was the big turning point. “The audiences at the Ginza street are tender but severe. You are able to gather audiences if you play good and interesting, but if you don’t play good, their curiosity goes away. Thus, it is easy to notice how the audiences feel towards her performance and to try and error depends on the audiences. Live-house event is closed regardless of merit, so the place would gather acquaintances and music lovers. It is a great experience that she can sing on the street which is open, and she can see the several reactions of funs directly. Before she performed at Ginza street, her twitter 300 through 400 followers, but on June 2019, she has over 1000 followers. The reason why the number of followers increased a lot in 2 years was that she got so many new fans by performing at Ginza street. “There are fans who listen to my music. I can send those to them.” That feeling gave Kano confidences. Not even her performance got better, but also she could positively wrestle with MC and blogs nevertheless she thinks it’s tough. “You are artist, so you need to be this.” I was binding myself too much. I was thinking if the audience said: “cute” then I had to look like “cute” even on the SNS. That was why I felt tough to be MC and write blogs. I made myself too much.” It is impossible to tell audiences without having the confidence to be an artist and making a virtual image. She could notice because of Ginza street.

Because it’s once life, wanting to be honest to the dream

Kano, who is willing to be a professional singer also made her another non-musical dream coming true. “I had the wish that overseas people know about Japan more, so I work a travel company which I can relate inbound.” She is quite busy but never stops her steps. “I have this, so I quit this. I don’t have time, so I give up this. I Don’t want to make those excuses. My life only happens once. I do what I want to do.” What is your blueprint look alike in the future? “My twitter’s follower almost reaches 1000, and I would like to make this number to over 2000. In the process, I want to be improved more and conduct a whole one-man life.” Where would yo want to do that? “During my childhood, I’ve been to Shibuya a lot, so I would be glad if I’m able to perform at Mount Rainier Hall.” Kano was smiling with saying the name of the multipurpose hall which locates next to Shibuya109. “I will make this real in next 3…2years! I leave the task to myself.” She was in the enthusiastic. “If I can’t fill the Hall with the audiences, then I can’t reach the Budokan.” You also need some luck for succeeding in music. On that aspect, Kano has the ability that brings to her what she hoped to do such as performing at Ginza street. She reacted and said “That’s probably because I declared my wishes as words. It might be coming true if you keep saying that you want to perform at Budokan. No, I am going to do that.” It’s been 10 years since she started musician work. “I want to quit here.” She was thinking this not only one or two times. The reason why she didn’t quit working as an artist was the fans. “I was encouraged a few fans’ cheers who were being my fan from the beginning of my journey. The singer can’t be a singer by itself.” “During my childhood, I was feeling loneliness some times, and music gave me so many energies. You can cry by yourself, but you can’t laugh by yourself. That’s just a stranger. You need someone to laugh together. There are some audiences and fans who feel loneliness now, so I hope that I can give and share them some energies.” In the first article of Ameba blog which Kano keep updating since July 2010, has one sentence. “People who had fun with their lives are the winners.” The origin never changes even though she changes for making her dream real. I would like to watch and see her dream future path.

text : Momiji photos : Kei Ishikawa translator : Hugo


Japanese version